28 April 2008

Crazy Dreams II

So I had another crazy tornado dream. When I woke up, I thought I need to blog this but I don't remember the last tornado dream was when Thomas was out of town and Anabelle and I were bunkin' with with Andrea, Molly and Emma. Crazy. I am sure I will remember next time it happens. For those that don't know, this is my 5th tornado dream where I am trying to out-run it or trying to protect someone else from it.

Anybody else have semi-reoccuring dreams?

Paging Mr. Wizard

I am not a scientist so I have a silly question. Would summer beer freeze? I am envisioning popsicles later this summer.

27 April 2008

Testes, testes, 1..2..3???

I added everyone's email to a list, so you will get an email when someone posts to our blog. PLease let me know if you want to be removed, and I will do so.

Someone Else's Schmürz

I wanted to post a photo of Schmürz, but this is all that came up on google images. Come to our rescue, Artee!!

BTW, Sarah Cate and I are TOTALLY schmürzed that the Wine Races were rained out. I'm sure that Artee schmürzed her pants with excitement that we could not have fun without her.  Maybe next weekend we should make some schmürzer beer? Isn't it the Derby?

25 April 2008

finally friday

So... it is finally Friday! Any fun plans for the weekend? I am worn out from this week, so I am happy to think about just putting the kayaks in the water and going for a nice paddle. That will be my plan for the day -- talking to people and thinking about being out in the sun enjoying all that "nature."

22 April 2008

Crazy Dream Day

So this morning I had the craziest dream... I dreamed that I was being checked into a psychiatric hospital -- that just happened to be located in a high school. I got to the room I was supposed to be reporting to, gave my insurance information, and was told to come back in a few days. When I came back -- with JMJ and my little sister in tow -- I was shown around the rooms and shown my bedroom and bathroom. JMJ was excited because there were pets allowed. After we got settled, we went back into the main room for some kind of group meeting with the doctor -- and everyone there was a stripper in various stages of putting on their stripper clothes and talking about their skankishness. I got really fed up with one and started beating the hell out of her -- and beat up all the strippers. Once they were all lying around in their injured skankiness, I realized I was cured and walked out.

21 April 2008

Will you look at my carpet?

So, I need some friend family tree advice. I need to pick out carpet for my optical and I would like to group to view it to see what they think is the better looking pattern. I just dont know that best way to get photos up. The last post I started took me 20 minutes to find, so I am going to come on out and ask this time.

Crawfish Festival

Did anyone hear that there was a crawfish festival yesterday? Unfortunately it was downtown so we could not walk to it.

Gotta love those crawfish festivals.

20 April 2008

My Latest 5 Seconds of Fame...

Hey Everyone! I made it to Jackson and back, and am feeling pretty good. It was great to see my family and it seems like everyone it holding up pretty well so far.

I read a lot of blogs-- about food, crafts, randomness. One that I read is called Craft Leftovers, where a girl posts different patterns that are quick, easy, and use up those last bits of fabric and yarn, etc. She decided to start posting guest patterns, and mine was the first one, hurray!

Hope to see everyone soon. Is Margarita Monday on for tomorrow?

18 April 2008

Did you Feel it?

So I was sleeping peacefully in a wine-induced slumber, when all of a sudden, Anabelle starts growling and barking. She ran to the front of the house and started howling too. I was really freaked out and thinking that someone was breaking in, but she returned quickly and went back to sleep. I thought maybe she had had a bad dream or something. Then when I woke up to the local news, they mentioned an earthquake that was felt all the way here. It was the same time that Anabelle had her "dream". I didn't feel a thing and I was wondering if anyone else did or did their pets react to it.

17 April 2008

Carpe Diem and all that...

I'm not trying to be morose or bring everybody down, but I just wanted to share this photo as kind of a memoriam. Hug your loved ones soon and often!!

Susan Hart
Loved cats, books, wine, JRR Tolkien, seafood, the beach, and holidays.
Afraid of balloons and dogs.  Great penpal, horrible driver.

Loved teaching, babies, gossiping with her kids, and decorating.
Opinionated, strong-willed, and caring. Loud, infectious laugh.

16 April 2008

Pain in the...

After our great trip to Memphis, the real world has been creeping in. And by creeping in, I might just mean I decided to do a bunch of squats with the medicine ball Monday night. And I haven't done those since before my leg wrecked itself. I could have started with a few and added on, but I decided to go all out and do the full amount I did prior to the leg-wrecking. Not the best idea. My leg was already hurting a little after the flying and such, but now that I'm sore, I look like I need crutches again. Bright idea, Sarah. I should just call in stupid for today and head home...

13 April 2008

Strange Food Aversions

A topic at brunch today was foods that most people enjoy, but you for some reason have aversions to.  John Michael says that cilantro tastes like a chemical/Windex.  I think that ripe mangoes taste like how stinky feet smell. What's yours?

A Blog of Our Own

Hey Everybody--
We were talking about the end of a couple blogs that were fun for discussion, so here is our own blog.  I will invite everyone to be an author, and you can post whatever you want-- photos, stories, questions for group discussion, etc.
