25 April 2008

finally friday

So... it is finally Friday! Any fun plans for the weekend? I am worn out from this week, so I am happy to think about just putting the kayaks in the water and going for a nice paddle. That will be my plan for the day -- talking to people and thinking about being out in the sun enjoying all that "nature."


marmaladecheeks said...

A bunch of us are going to Bosco's and to see Sylvia in a play tonight.

I'm not sure what "nature" plans are in the works, or what's going on the rest of the weekend.


Alex said...

I am managing a visit from the mother-in-law, so the only "nature" involved will be my natural instinct to jam sharp objects into my eyes.

Back into the shadows I go...

(friend o' jellybean)

(not sure about that thomas character)

(fond of parenthesis...and JMJ)

The Boss said...

I bought a lot of stuff. I hope that stimulus package is coming soon because I just bought a new laptop, cell phone, printer (which I am taking back), and software. I will be purchasing equipment for my office today and working at wal-mart. My back is killing me because I am refracting 6 days a week. I want a massage and to pamper myself all next week...maybe I will wait for that stimulus package!!

marmaladecheeks said...

She said stimulus... and package....

firmtennisballer said...

I've got your stimulus package in my pants.