13 April 2008

Strange Food Aversions

A topic at brunch today was foods that most people enjoy, but you for some reason have aversions to.  John Michael says that cilantro tastes like a chemical/Windex.  I think that ripe mangoes taste like how stinky feet smell. What's yours?


Van Dutch said...

For me, it's baked beans. I don't know why I have an issue with them in terms of taste. But the texture is reprehensible. It's like eating something rotten.

Sarah Cate said...

My aversion to cottage cheese is strange only because I love all other cheeses and white-based foods. Cottage cheese just looks so very very awful. When I was a kid I would construct a wall of towels around the bowl of it at the table because I didn't feel like I could look at it and eat my food.

jellybean said...

I can't handle brussels sprouts. The smell, the texture -- everything about them makes me ill.

By the way -- had such a good time this weekend. Y'alls turn to come to HHI!

marmaladecheeks said...

I LOVE baked beans-- especially if I make them myself, and I tend to keep my beans a little more firm.

Cottage cheese is not horrible to me, but I wouldn't eat it as a snack. Like, back in the day when you got a lettuce leaf with a pineapple ring on it, filled with cottage cheese and topped with one of those fake cherries from the fruit cocktail-- you know, the grape dyed red?

I've never tried a brussels sprout, believe it or not, so I can't make a judgement on that.

And jellybean--It was great to see you guys and I'm ready to come to the HH soon!

The Boss said...

For me it's "sabu-dhana" which I dont know the english word for. My mom makes it when she and my grandmother fast and that's the only grainy type food they will eat for the day. It's slimey and crunchy and beady all at the same time. Just smelling it makes me sick, it is however a common fasting food in the motherland, and trust me, they do a lot of fasting there.
English translation coming soon.

The Boss said...
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Van Dutch said...

I too cannot stand cottage cheese. It is nasty curds. What rhymes with curds?