22 April 2008

Crazy Dream Day

So this morning I had the craziest dream... I dreamed that I was being checked into a psychiatric hospital -- that just happened to be located in a high school. I got to the room I was supposed to be reporting to, gave my insurance information, and was told to come back in a few days. When I came back -- with JMJ and my little sister in tow -- I was shown around the rooms and shown my bedroom and bathroom. JMJ was excited because there were pets allowed. After we got settled, we went back into the main room for some kind of group meeting with the doctor -- and everyone there was a stripper in various stages of putting on their stripper clothes and talking about their skankishness. I got really fed up with one and started beating the hell out of her -- and beat up all the strippers. Once they were all lying around in their injured skankiness, I realized I was cured and walked out.


The Boss said...

Beating up strippers sounds exactly like something you would do in real life. My dream was crazy too. One of our friends was preggers and she and her husband wanted a hospital birth but her mom had different thoughts on the matter. "Mom" was boiling water and cutting up towels to help with a home birth. I told "mom" that I would help because I had some idea about what to do since I was in the health field kinda. The pregnant friend was taking a nap and her husband was napping right beside her while "mom" was getting things ready. Also many people from my family (dead and alive) were around. It was very strange.

The Boss said...
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jellybean said...

I do have to wonder if the "mom" in the dream is really MY mom -- since it totally sounds like her. Very cool that your family was present -- seems like a One Tree Hill plot.

Sarah Cate said...

I rarely have such vivid dreams, typically just impressions and a feeling that it was either good or bad. Maybe I beat people up in my dreams too and just don't remember... but I doubt it.

marmaladecheeks said...

If beating up strippers cures you of mental illness, what were suffering from? A kindness/tolerance of the lewd and vulgar?

Perhaps it is the birth of your future marriage. Your mom wants to cook it up indian style with the fam, but you have other ideas. Was the couple a white couple?

Don't you love my translations? I used to be obsessed with dreams when I was younger.

The Boss said...

since i told her about the dream on this wonderful earth day...
in the dream the preggers friend is andrea and her husband of course thomas and her mother was carol. andrea said that she would have to tell carol about it. but hats off because Andrea guessed that it was her without me telling her!!!

Sarah Cate said...

I think the fact that the couple was napping in the dream should have given it away as T&A.

jellybean said...

I think the fact that there was a crazy mother involved tipped it off -- but of course, the crazy mother is the one I share with T...