08 July 2008

We Need A RFTC Name

Sarah has been hinting that we need a name for our RFTC team in Oct. The current names in the running are:

Tits Up!
Tits in Training

plus: a couple I have come up with in my One-Size Saki haze:

Fun Bag Five K
Chesticle Spectacle
Twins on Parade
Dears in Headlights
Knocker Walkers


07 July 2008

Pulling a Darrin

While at the theater for the movie Wanted this weekend I saw a preview for a new Mummy movie. I was intrigued because I enjoyed those flicks; however, my intrigue turned to confusion because I did not see Rachel Weisz and her character's husband was kissing on some lady. Later research showed that she did not want to be in the new movie so, rather than write her death or absence into the movie, they just put this other woman in as her character. How do we feel about that? I thought this was just done on soap operas or on The Fresh Prince. Before I decide how I feel I wanted to solicit the opinion of others.