28 April 2008

Crazy Dreams II

So I had another crazy tornado dream. When I woke up, I thought I need to blog this but I don't remember the last tornado dream was when Thomas was out of town and Anabelle and I were bunkin' with with Andrea, Molly and Emma. Crazy. I am sure I will remember next time it happens. For those that don't know, this is my 5th tornado dream where I am trying to out-run it or trying to protect someone else from it.

Anybody else have semi-reoccuring dreams?


marmaladecheeks said...

I used to have recurring stress dreams that took place in a mall. I haven't had one in a while, but it is just the need to get somewhere fast, but you walk in seemingly endless circles and everything looks the same.

My last weird dream was about the race for the cure. We all met up and were at the starting line, when I realized that I was barefoot. Rather than get started late, I decided to do the 5K in my bare feet.

Sarah Cate said...

I have what I call "hostess dreams" because they started when I was a hostess in a restaurant when I was 17. The setting can differ but it's always about needing to get people seated/served but not getting anything done and more and more people coming in. The dreams always end before the people get mad or yell... but the feeling of being ineffective and overwhelmed makes them bad enough.

jellybean said...

I have a few recurring dreams -- all with weird religious symbolism. Or there's the anxiety dream about being late for a test in high school/college, not being able to find my locker then not being able to remember the combination, and when I get to the class (inevitably math or some such science), realize I have skipped it all year and have no clue what I should know. I love anxiety.

jellybean said...

I have been having a dream lately where my skin is peeling off like it did when my cast came off -- revealing brand spanking new skin. I've had it 3 or 4 times. Last night, however, the dream was a little different -- I dreamed my skin was coming off like I had been badly burned and we were pulling it off to heal the skin underneath. Very weird -- but I do have to say nothing was smoother than my foot when all that nasty cast skin came off.