20 April 2008

My Latest 5 Seconds of Fame...

Hey Everyone! I made it to Jackson and back, and am feeling pretty good. It was great to see my family and it seems like everyone it holding up pretty well so far.

I read a lot of blogs-- about food, crafts, randomness. One that I read is called Craft Leftovers, where a girl posts different patterns that are quick, easy, and use up those last bits of fabric and yarn, etc. She decided to start posting guest patterns, and mine was the first one, hurray!

Hope to see everyone soon. Is Margarita Monday on for tomorrow?


The Boss said...

Awesome...you sure do get around on the internets. I will be conducting some biz tomorrow night so no margarita monday for me. Have one for me though.

jellybean said...

Congrats -- your craftiness is all over the place! So glad to see your work getting the recognition it deserves!

Sarah Cate said...

Yep, you're worldwide. I'm about some marg mon. I wouldn't mind doing one of the el mezcals - preferably perkins but could live with union.