19 June 2008

Group Planning

As most of you have heard, the Official 2008 Halloween Party will be held October 18 in Bluffton, South Carolina this year. To make a day of it, we'll go up to Charleston and do the Race for the Cure there and then come back to the B-town to get ready to party. SO... to get the party started, we need a team name for the RFTC and a party theme for costumes. Ideas? Suggestions? Anything you would absolutely hate? There was a suggestion given a couple nights ago that the RFTC take place in short plaid skirts, but while an attractive option (especially for JMJ's legs), it didn't come with a team name... I'm excited -- missed having the party last year, and Sam was sad she didn't get a new costume!


Sarah Cate said...

Nothing says "I respect women and view them and their breasts as more than sexual objects" like a short plaid skirt. Did you think "Tube Tops for Tits" would have been taking it too far?
In all seriousness, brainstorming ideas for team themes is now my top priority of the day... until my team leaves at 12:30 to go watch the Incredible Hulk together and then goes home early. At Pfizer we are consummate professionals.

jellybean said...

I'm all about that kind of teamwork - and, enthusiastically for the alliteration in your "tube tops for tits" comment. Maybe "taking time for titties?" Or "totally tanked for titties" with tank tops?

marmaladecheeks said...

80's is always a fun theme. Or-- Halloween at the movies-- everybody dresses as a movie character.
Team name: GOS runs for Breasts? I'll keep thinking.

marmaladecheeks said...

GOS and Special Breasts

The Boss said...

i will brainstorm when i get back from my trip to the midwest.

Van Dutch said...

L'Orange Mounds should be the name, and we'll wear orange shirts.

jellybean said...

I think I like that -- play on words, repping the M-town...

Sarah Cate said...

That one is good and more subtle. I like shock value but there will be children and old people and people with cancer there.

jellybean said...

There were some additional suggestions made last night...

Pink Pasties (not sure where this came from or where it was going)
Superstars (Tatas)

Stars (TITS -- I really can't remember what the S was for; but you get the gist -- acronym)

As yet determined acronym for Boobs, boobies, titties, etc...

jellybean said...

Okay... after some time with Thomas over the weekend, I'm leaning towards a play on the Team in Training program and using "Tits in Training" -- what do y'all think?

marmaladecheeks said...

Sarah Cate and I were remembering how a creepy older lady at Silky's during Missy's bachelor party kept trying to get us to dance with her, and told us "Come on girls, Tits Up!" So, we thought Tits Up might be a funny name. If there are seven of us, we could be "Tits Up Seven Up".

jellybean said...

I like that as well, although I'm not 100% sure what your friend at Silky's meant...

So -- Tits Up or Tits in Training? Or others?