08 July 2008

We Need A RFTC Name

Sarah has been hinting that we need a name for our RFTC team in Oct. The current names in the running are:

Tits Up!
Tits in Training

plus: a couple I have come up with in my One-Size Saki haze:

Fun Bag Five K
Chesticle Spectacle
Twins on Parade
Dears in Headlights
Knocker Walkers



jellybean said...

I love all of these. And, for this early in the morning I wish they could all fit on a t-shirt!

Sarah Cate said...

I like Dears in Headlights because it's clever, super-clever really.

And I love Tits Up! because I love to remember the good times.

jellybean said...

I'm going to create our team name as Dears in Headlights and send the link out. Very excited.